Description: Cementitious ceramic tile adhesive with extended open time and reduced slip.
Binder: Portland Cement
Aggregate: 0-0.5mm
Appearance: Gray powder
Mixing Ratio: 5.2 - 6.4lt water / 20 kg powder ,1.3 - 1.6 lt water / 5 kg powder
Coverage: Coverage is approximately 1.5 kg of powder per m² for every 1 mm of bed thickness.
Performance Data:
- Tensile Adhesion Strength (EN 1348)
- -initial ≥ 0.5 N/mm²
- -after heat exposure ≥ 0.5 N/mm²
- -after immersion in water ≥ 0.5 N/mm²
- -after freeze/thaw cycles ≥ 0.5 N/mm²
Packaging: Packed in 20 kg plastic lined paper sacks
Storage: Store in dry medium. Do not stack more than 10 bags on top of each other.
Shelf Life: 12 months when stored in the original sealed packing in dry place
PotLife : Approx. 6 hours
Working Time: 45 minutes
Open Time (EN 1346): After 30 minutes ≥ 0.5 N/mm²
Grouting: 8 hours on wall; 24 hours after on floor
Application Temperature Range: (+5°C) - (+35°C)
Quality Documents:
- TS EN 12004, Class C1TE
- A: Cementitious
- 1: Normal setting
- T: Reduced slip
- E: Extended open time
Preparation: Substrates must be sound, free from oil, grease, and sufficiently dry. Cementitious substrates must be cured.Make good any unsound areas and remove flaky or peeling layers.Wipe the back side of tiles with water if dusty before tiling
Mixing: Pour 20 kg of YAPFIX into 5.2-6.4 liters of clean water slowly and mix to obtain a homogeneous paste free from lumps. A low speed mixer is recommended to mix. Do not add any additive which is not mentioned in the instructions for the application Allow to stand for 5-10 minutes to mature. After 1-2 minutes remixing, the paste is ready for application.
Application: Do not use at temperatures below 5°C.Spread the mortar onto the substrate with notched trowel of which notch size is appropriate to the tile dimension.To obtain a good adhesion first apply a thin coat of YAPFIX with the flat side of trowel , then notch with the toothed side of trowel.Open time is 30 minutes. Install the tiles within this period with pressure. Unfavourable climatic conditions (high temperature, low humidity, wind, etc) can reduce this time to just a few minutes. If this period exceed, scratch and discard the mortar. Dispose mortars of which pot life is expired. Clean tools and hands with water, surfaces with a damp cloth. Tiles installed with YAPFIX must not be subject to water for at least 24 hours
Warnings: Since contains cement, irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. For further information refer to safety data sheet. Indicated consumption is a general information. It may change depending on the application conditions and surface properties.
- Interior/ Exterior Use Floor & Wall.
- Dry & Wet conditions Excelent adhesion.
- Non-Slump.
- Easy workability.
- You only use water to mix it.