Description: Mineral Based Decorative Exterior Coating
Binder: Portland White Cement
Aggregate: 0-2.5 mm
Appearance: White powder
Application Areas: Used for thinly plastered, or coarsely but well plastered surfaces in the exterior coating system.
- Resilient to extreme climatic conditions with its superior performance.
- Provides quick fi nish by being easily applied.
- Easy to give texture.
- Forms a natural and decorative textured surface with its characteristic fi lling.
- High water vapour permeability allowing the building to breathe.
Mixing Ratio: 4.6-5.2 lt water / 20 kg powder
Performance Data:
- Service Temperature: (-30º C) - (+80º C)
- Compressive Strength - Class (TS EN 1015-11): 3,5 - 7,5 N/mm2 - CS III
- Bond Strenght - Type of Break (TS EN 1015-12): ≥ 0,45 N/mm2 - B
- Bulk Density of Hardened Mortar (TS EN 1015-10): 1400±100 kg/m3
- Water Absorption - Class (TS EN 1015-18): ≤ 0,40 kg/m2dk0,5 – W1
- Water Vapour Permeability,μ (TS EN 1745): 5/20 (Table Value)
- Thermal Conductivity (TS EN 1745): ≤ 0,47 W/m.K (Table Value) P= 50%
- Reaction to Fire (TS EN 13501-1): A1
- Dangerous Substances (EN 998-1): Complies
Packaging: Packed in 20 kg multi-ply paper bags.
Storage: Store in dry medium. Do not stack more than 10 bags on top of each other.
Shelf Life: 12 months when stored in the original sealed packing in dry place
Preparation: The substrate must be cleaned from dust, dirt, oil and old blistered coatings that may prevent good adhesion. The surface should be made sound, clean and dry. New cementitous substrates must be cured at least 28 days before application. All water insulation precautions should have been taken prior to application. Use Yapfix Repairing Mortar in case of uneven substrates to get sound and fl at surface.
Mixing: Pour 20kg of YAPFİX Decorative Plaster into 4.6-5.2 lt of water slowly and mix to obtain a homogenous plaster free from lumps.Allow to stand for 5-10 minutes to mature. After remixing the paste is ready for application. A low speed mixer is recommended to mix.
Application: Apply YAPFİX Decorative Plaster evenly to the surface by means of a stainless steel trowel as far as the required filling span. Apply a plastic trowel in circular movements to gain texture. Consume the prepared mortar within 3 hours. Dispose of the mortar which has exceeded its pot life.Clean tools and hands with water.
Do not add any additives, except the ones stated in the product application instructions
Ensure that the air and surface temperatures are above 5º C and the surface is rain free during application and 24 hours following the application.
Do not apply in extremely hot weather, under glaring sun, during strong wind, fog, high relative humidity, imminent rain or frost.
Warnings:Since contains cement, irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
Indicated consumption is a general information. It may change depending on the application conditions and
- Eesy to apply and trim.
- Resistant to weather conditions and water repellant.
- You can paint any color due to it's whiteness.
- Gives the building a natural and decorative look.
- Eliminates surface errors
- Easy to clean.